Simple Rules of Leadership with Rocky Zapata
This course will prepare you for the best decade of your life.

“You possess the potential for a different tomorrow.”
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The Leadership Call to Action.

What You’ll Learn In This Courses
Discover the Leader You Carry
Meet Rocky Zapata one of the most positive and inspirational young minds on the planet. In this course, he'll help you identify the leader you carry within.
Hi, I'm Rocky and I’ve dedicated my life to developing people of all backgrounds and cultures, discover the leader they carry within. This course will help you identify what leadership is and give you a few tools to become a better one yourself.

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
The Responsibility of Stewardship
Chapter 3:
What is a Leader?
Chapter 4:
What Leadership Isn’t
Chapter 5:
A Crisis will Define You
Chapter 6:
Four Things to do Instead of Sitting with Your Fears
Foundations of Your Leadership Belief System
Rocky helps you create your leadership belief system with concrete tools so you never have to guess.
If you’re ready to create or reshape your leadership philosophy, you’re in the right place.

Chapter 1:
The 7 Important Components of Your Belief System
Chapter 2:
Your Why, Your Vision, Your Purpose
Chapter 3:
Identify Your Passion Points
Exercising Leadership Mindset
If you really want to excel as a leader you have to have the right mindset. This course helps you do just that.
Leadership isn’t something you can just wake up one day and decide you’re going to do it. Leadership is a skill and it takes the right mindset to execute. I’m here to help you with just that.

Chapter 1:
Lion Mentality
Chapter 2:
The Power of Positive Leadership:
Being and Doing
Chapter 3:
You Have to Be Willing to Change
Your Attitude
Chapter 4:
The Four Way Test to Determine if
You're Making Excuses
Final Thoughts
Rocky helps you create your leadership belief system with concrete tools so you never have to guess.
Hi, I'm Rocky Zapata and if you’re ready to create or reshape your leadership philosophy, you’re in the right place.

Chapter 1:
Realize your Potential
Chapter 2:
Putting it all Together
About Rocky

About Rocky Zapata:
Rocky Zapata and his daughter Leilani reside in South Florida where Rocky's businesses are centered. A safety engineer, businessman, and leadership guru, Rocky has spoken to thousands of people at universities and conferences.
Rocky's mission is simple - He will guide you with the necessary resources to help you Discover the Leader You Carry Within.
Learn Simple Rules of Leadership with Rocky Zapata
“You possess the potential for a different tomorrow.”

Copyright © 2020 Rocky Zapata University